Sunday, May 5, 2024
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Badminton governance involves the actions and strategies of badminton federations and organisations. Badminton speak reports on the programmes they run, the strategies they have, and the direction they are taking the sport as a whole.

Turns out, I forgot my first experience with badminton. But a story we received from a friend in Lugazi, Uganda, reminded me. You see, around the world, many children and adults have one thing in...
badminton africa
In badminton terms, the African continent offers very serious growth opportunities. In North Africa, it seems that the sport of badminton is growing in Egypt, whilst in populous Sub-Saharan Africa, countries such as Kenya and...
Life expectancy badminton
A study showed that people who play badminton regularly can expect to live over 6 years longer. This is compared to people who have a more sedentary lifestyle (that is, an inactive lifestyle). Improving life...
personal branding badminton
Creating a personal brand is a surefire way to increase the fanbase, and thereby income, of any semi-professional or professional badminton player. Sports branding expert Oliver Shepherd offers his personal branding advice for athletes here. This story...