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Badminton Stories giving you the latest news and opinions on badminton.

badminton country ranking updated
Which countries are ranked as the best badminton nations in the world? The BWF World Team Ranking has just been updated. It ranks all badminton nations in the world using a special points system. China...
pitchamon opatniputh wins World Junior Championship in badminton 2023
Thailand's rising star, Pitchamon Opatniputh won the BWF Junior World Championships 2023 without conceding a single game in the six matches she played. Pitchamon is affectionately known as "Pink". > Get more badminton stories - become...
badminton country ranking top 25
Who are the top badminton countries in 2023 and beyond? See the most recent updated country ranking here The official BWF country ranking for badminton is a good indication of which countries are doing best overall. Check...
Charlottenlund Badminton Klub pay and play
Are you looking to rent a badminton court in Copenhagen? There are more than 30 pay-and-play locations in the greater Copenhagen area. BadmintonSpeak has tested and selected the best badminton courts for pay and play...
Handmade shuttlecocks for badminton
Handmade shuttlecocks nowadays are a rarity. The production of feather shuttlecocks these days is mostly manufactured using automation and machines. But one factory in a small village in India continues to produce shuttlecocks by hand....
Badminton science sports science
Badminton science research is an area covering many aspects of science related to the badminton sport. These areas include exercise physiology, sport psychology, anatomy, biomechanics, biochemistry, and biokinetics.Thankfully, a lot of scientific research related to badminton is publicly available....
Turns out, I forgot my first experience with badminton. But a story we received from a friend in Lugazi, Uganda, reminded me. You see, around the world, many children and adults have one thing in...