Tuesday, May 7, 2024
badminton concerts
Half-time concerts similar to Super Bowl and such, might not be the answer to improve the audience experience in badminton. But something needs to change. The audience experience - live and online - must improve...
robot coaching
You've seen it many times on TV; a player seemingly unable to make his own decisions on the court, completely relying on coaches to direct the next move of the player.  It seems match coaching...
India boy
In nearly all categories, Indian badminton players have shown great progress in recent years. Is this an indication of India possibly becoming the next badminton superpower? Oliver Shepherd explains. THIS STORY WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON -...
No streaming World Junior Badminton Championships
Streaming from the World Junior Championships 2023 is apparently not a BWF priority. As a result coaches, parents and family members, teammates, and others with an interest in following the proceedings, will have to settle...